Eye Camera Thief
Patrick Mitchell
Attempt to steal valuables with only your peripheral vision to avoid detection.
The focus of these projects was to determine what worked, what didn't work, and why. Click on
any of the projects below to read more about them.
Click one of the names below to show only projects they worked on.
Mark Lipina | 
Patrick Mitchell | Kayleigh East | Chloe Brazier | Caleb Katzenstein
Patrick Mitchell
Attempt to steal valuables with only your peripheral vision to avoid detection.
Patrick Mitchell
Fend off waves of encroaching dummies with your face laser, without harming innocent dummies.
Patrick Mitchell
Fight a training dummy with a pair of swords.
Patrick Mitchell
Throw a ball to teleport to its landing spot.
Patrick Mitchell
Fire bullets that teleport you to what they hit by thrusting / waving your hands.
Patrick Mitchell
Fling objects Angry Birds style from a distance.
Patrick Mitchell
Tilt your head to tilt objects in the scene and roll a ball around.