Remember Wonder
Capstone Academic Project
Role: Gameplay/Tools Programmer, Producer
Platform: Unity, C#
Team Size: 4
Remember Wonder was the capstone project of my master's degree in Game Design and Development, developed from August 2022 to May 2023. Due to a rocky start and team reorganization, I served as team producer in addition to my usual programming role. This added responsibility to prioritize development tasks and ensure team health/progress encouraged me to leverage the experience I'd gained in recent projects making custom editors, and improve workflow for everyone.
One such example is the grab system; to set up a grabbable object, it needed a trigger with a few references. Assigning these references could require some deduction for those not intimately familiar with the system, and be annoying for those that were. So I made an editor script with a custom inspector to assign said references automatically, since they were generally in the same relative place for each object. The script also allowed editing the sizes of the triggers on the children objects, removing the need to dig through the hierarchy or do math to switching between local space and global space. All in all, this script saved eight or more clicks per object. Given the frequent adjustments necessary, this saved a LOT of time and tedium.