Deep Pockets
Chloe Brazier, Kayleigh East
Search your pockets for items, pull back whatever comes to hand.
The focus of these projects was to determine what worked, what didn't work, and why. Click on
any of the projects below to read more about them.
Click one of the names below to show only projects they worked on.
Mark Lipina | Patrick Mitchell | 
Kayleigh East | Chloe Brazier | Caleb Katzenstein
Chloe Brazier, Kayleigh East
Search your pockets for items, pull back whatever comes to hand.
Chloe Brazier, Kayleigh East
Use an unorthodox multi-tool to prepare and cook ingredients.
Chloe Brazier, Kayleigh East
A local co-op experience where a "hacker" and "infiltrator" work together.
Kayleigh East
Dribble a ball down the court.
Kayleigh East
Throw a cube and watch it return.
Kayleigh East, Chloe Brazier
Take a rectangle out to dinner, watch it judge you.