Jump Pads and Vortexes
Caleb Katzenstein
Exploring unconventional movement options.
The focus of these projects was to determine what worked, what didn't work, and why. Click on
any of the projects below to read more about them.
Click one of the names below to show only projects they worked on.
Mark Lipina | Patrick Mitchell | Kayleigh East | Chloe Brazier | 
Caleb Katzenstein
Caleb Katzenstein
Exploring unconventional movement options.
Caleb Katzenstein
Don't try this at home. Or ever.
Caleb Katzenstein
Propel yourself with the power of lasers!
Caleb Katzenstein
Draw 3D shapes with your motion controllers.
Caleb Katzenstein
Aim with your whole body!
Caleb Katzenstein
Control a mech with unconventional interfaces, like pulleys.