Camera - Parallel Worlds

Chloe Brazier

This camera-oriented prototype featured a setup where each eye was in a different level, with both the “left eye” and “right eye” levels having similar construction, but different elements in each to test how they would be perceived by the user in the headset. This is difficult to describe for spectators, as the visual doesn’t get displayed to monitors in the same way that it’s perceived by the VR user. When both levels are visible, they appear to overlap each other in space, creating a sort of ghostly parallel-world effect.

I included controls that allow the user to black out the left and right eyes of the headset using culling masks, so that they didn’t have to physically close their eyes to see only one level at a time. This could prove to be a problem with a more complicated, fleshed-out game with UI. Having multiple simultaneous player controllers also created some problems that would need to be solved in a more fully-featured version of this concept.